As an investor, it is safe to assume you want to invest in high-quality assets that bring unique value to its investors. We review thousands of deals annually to bring you the best opportunities for your portfolio.
Many people are disenchanted with the irregularities of the stock market, but they stay invested with the hope their 401K or IRA will get to that magic number that they can live off of to retire. However, you don’t need a large stash of cash to retire, you need cash flow.
Investing in Commercial Real Estate and participating in the cash flow from those assets can provide all the income you need. In addition, you could profit from the upside as well when those assets sell.
Many people have found a way to do so via a self-directed IRA or other retirement accounts. Real Estate is tangible and has inherent value meaning it will never drop to zero unlike stock. Also, the probability is Real Estate going higher is often greater than the typical stock. It can also be repurposed for greater returns. Contact us today to discuss your situation.
WSCP has three investment vehicles for you to participate in Real Estate.
Residential Debt Fund
The Residential Market is enjoying strong returns due the shortage in the housing market. We like these opportunities because investors can diversify across multipole properties. In addition they can often exit, realize a return and reinvest multiple time a year. Loans usually pay off in 3-12 months. The Fund invest in these single and 1-4 family properties for investors at a 70% or below After-Repair-Value (ARV) Historical yields average 9% to investors.


Commercial Debt Fund
WSCP will provide Bridge Debt to commercial real estate investors looking to acquire and repurpose or improve a commercial asset for the use of their personal business or to lease out to the public. For us its all about the numbers and our basis going in. We will evaluate all asset classes with a focus on Multifamily, Industrial, Office & Retail.

Commercial Equity Fund
WSCP will invest alongside seasoned sponsors as a General Partner (GP) in the capital stack. We will also consider preferred Equity and Mezzanine Debt all depend on the deal and structure. However as an investor in our Commercial Equity Fund you also have the opportunity to invest alone side us in our internal projects such as the projects referenced on prior pages.

For more details on any of our offerings, Please schedule a call